Saturday, September 10, 2011

Juice - "Pale Yellow"

2 pears
1/2 lb yellow baby carrots

I was excited to find a bag of "baby" yellow carrots and wanted to pair (no pun intended) it with a fruit that isn't overpowering in taste or color. I really wanted the yellow carrots to shine in this juice. Pears are perfect for that. This juice had a very delicate flavor. Yellow carrots don't have the sharpness that regular orange ones do. 

Yellow carrots are high in bioavailable lutein, which decreases the risk for developing macular degeneration. Of course, these "baby" carrots are actually just carrots whittled down from larger carrots so you're missing out on a portion of the nutrients but these are still healthful.


  1. One of my absolute favorites. A recipe with beets should be up next!

  2. I made juice with beets last week and it was pretty good. I'm trying to get all my old recipes up and then I'll start in on the newer ones.
